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The Best View of Campus is Your Own
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The Best View of Campus is Your Own
Experience the beauty of the Hudson River Valley. We offer tours 和 on-campus visit programs daily.
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Image of students working together at a round table
Join an Elite Group of Tomorrow's Leaders
玛丽斯特荣誉计划是一个充满活力的学术社区,来自所有专业的有才华的学生和教师. 该项目致力于在培养学生品格的同时,保持学生在学业上的挑战, cultivating leadership skills, 并强调公民学习和全球公民的重要性.
An Intellectual Curriculum with Exclusive Courses
荣誉课程的学生参加研讨式课程,与玛丽斯特的顶尖教师一起学习重要的智力和社会话题. These discussion-based courses, 其中许多与通识教育的核心要求重叠, 培养更深层次的, 更强调批判性思维,强调道德. A few of the many seminars offe红色的 include 音乐剧《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》, 科技与伦理, Environmental Explorations of the Hudson Valley, 食品伦理, 心理学 of Entertainment Media. The 18-c红色的it Honors curriculum includes:
- Honors First-Year Seminar (4 c红色的its)
- Honors 写作 for College (3 c红色的its)
- Thematic 和 Civic Engagement Seminars (6 c红色的its)
- Honors by Contract (1 c红色的it)
- Honors Thesis (3 c红色的it)
- Honors Senior Seminar (1 c红色的it)
Meet the 荣誉项目 Director
Dr. Janine Larmon Peterson is a Professor of 历史, Director of the 荣誉项目, 玛丽斯特学院中世纪和文艺复兴研究协调员. 她拥有印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校中世纪历史和文化史双博士学位. Raised in the lower Hudson Valley, she received her B.A. 和M.A. degrees from 为dham University.
Dr. Peterson has advised numerous student research projects, has led many projects for the 荣誉项目. 她支持荣誉项目提供的独特机会来展示他们的工作, 充实他们的简历, 并通过荣誉课程论文展览建立联系, 以及指导感兴趣的学生通过申请, 并陪伴他们, to at least two undergraduate conferences a year. 玛丽斯特学院的管理和教职员工通过授予她学院研究表彰奖和比尔奥尔森服务奖来表彰她的努力, 玛丽斯特的学生通过国家宿舍荣誉红狐分会教职员工奖.
Personal 教师 Mentorship Through Research Experiences
本科研究和教师指导是玛丽斯特荣誉计划的核心. 所有荣誉学生都与教师导师进行一对一的合作 在本专业进行两个独立的学分研究项目, or in an interdisciplinary field of interest. 学生们在半年一次的毕业论文项目展览上向校园社区展示他们的研究成果,许多学生在国内和国际会议上展示他们的作品.
Showcase Your Work at the Honors Thesis Exhibit
With thesis topics that include job satisfaction, artificial intelligence, 可持续性, criminal justice reform, 来自bet亚洲365欢迎投注荣誉项目的大四学生在麻省理工学院分享了各种各样的研究项目 semi-annual Senior Thesis Exhibit. 来自圣母社区的数百人被邀请观看学生们的海报,并与他们讨论他们的作品. 虽然荣誉学生根据他们的学术兴趣选择他们的项目, 主题不一定要和他们的专业相关. Working closely with a faculty mentor of their choosing, 学生们对他们想要追求的任何研究问题进行深入的探索.
Connect With Students Just Like You
玛丽斯特荣誉项目是一个充满活力的学术社区,吸引了来自各个专业的有才华的学生. As a member of the 荣誉项目 at Marist, 你会接触到像你一样对更高水平的学术严谨感兴趣的学生. You'll have the opportunity to collaborate on exciting research with other Honors students 在你自己的专业范围内,以及在你的研究领域之外. 除了和志同道合的同学一起学习,你还可以选择 live with other Honors students in exclusive Honors housing.
一个学习 和 生活环境
Honors students are given the opportunity to live together in 荣誉住房 over their four years at Marist. 荣誉学生休息室定期举办各种学术活动, 文化, 和社会丰富的机会,让学生参与.
- “Food with 教师” series: bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的顶尖教师参观荣誉住房,与学生聚会并分享他们的研究.
- 研究论坛: 学生可以分享他们的研究项目,然后在国内和国际会议上展示.
- 额外的事件: these events include monthly study abroad night, 学术研讨会, resume 和 interview workshops, a range of social activities.
入学 to the 荣誉项目
The 荣誉项目 admits talented 和 dedicated students who
- are looking for an enriched Honors education,
- are academically high-achieving,
- 对专业以外的问题和问题表现出兴趣
- show potential for undergraduate research.
As part of its process, 招生办公室向他们认为最能反映荣誉课程价值观的录取学生发出邀请.
Students walking in front of the rotunda
The Value of a Marist 教育
在圣母, 我们致力于为学生提供全面的文科教育,为他们在各自领域的实践经验和深刻的成功做好准备,我们为此感到自豪. 但不要只相信我们的话,数字会说话.